
Nominations and Elections


Nominations for the 2024 Election of TAICEP Leadership | Positions beginning in January 2025

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!  Click HERE for the nominations form!  

General information:

  • Nominees must be TAICEP members
  • All positions, except President-elect, require a two-year commitment
  • Term of office begins on January 1, 2025 and ends on December 31, 2027
  • Committee chair-elects becomes the committee chairs the 2nd year
  • President has a 3-year term: 1st year as president-elect, 2nd year as president, and 3rd year as past-president
  • TAICEP leaders are NOT required to attend the annual conference
  • TAICEP does not provide funds for TAICEP leaders to attend the annual conference
  • The Board of Directors meets 2 times every month via Zoom
  • Committee chairs meet with the Board of Directors 4 times a year via Zoom and regularly with the vice president responsible for their committee

Board of Directors Positions:


  • Shadows, supports and learns from current TAICEP president in preparation for assuming the role of president the following year
  • Assumes the duties of the TAICEP president should he or she not be able to do so
  • Special note on this position: the TAICEP president is occasionally asked to represent TAICEP at other conferences or events; the President-elect may be asked to be a substitute if the President is unable to attend the conference or approved event; TAICEP covers all costs involved
  • Time commitment: 4-5 hours per week


  • Oversees the management and reporting of TAICEP’s annual budget
  • Prepares budgets and annual reports in conjunction with the Executive Director
  • Ensures that audit and tax documents are prepared and filed by deadlines
  • Has signatory authority for tax and financial purposes
  • Special note on this position: familiarity with Quick Books accounting software is desirable, but not necessary; familiarity with US accounting practices and tax filing is
    very helpful for this position
  • Time commitment: 1-2 hours per week


  • Takes minutes of all meetings, including Board of Directors and Board of Directors + committee chairs meetings
  • Distributes the minutes in a timely manner after each meeting
  • Schedules and sends out notices of meetings
  • Takes minutes of the business meeting at the annual conference
  • Special note on this position: because all meetings are conducted in English, the Secretary must be comfortable with writing in English
  • Time commitment: 2 hours per week

Vice President of Professional Development

  • Acts as the Board of Directors liaison to the Committee on Professional Development
  • Meets regularly with the Chair of the Committee on Professional Development individually and with the Committee as a whole
  • Provides leadership on TAICEP professional development and training opportunities for members
  • Time commitment: 3-5 hours per month

Vice President of Standards and Quality

  • Acts as the Board of Directors liaison to the Committee on Standards and Quality
  • Meets regularly with the Chair of the Committee on Standards and Quality individually and with the Committee as a whole
  • Provides leadership on credential evaluation standing on a global level
  • Provides leadership on the global digital student data ecosystem
  • Time commitment: 4-5 hours per week

Director-at-Large and Chair of Collaborative Relations and External Funding

  • Establishes and nurtures strategic relationships that advance the mission of TAICEP
  • Pursues, establishes and nurtures professional alliances with like organizations that are beneficial to TAICEP and its goals
  • Heads fundraising efforts to ensure TAICEP’s viability and stability
  • Creates and maintains an annual fundraising plan and budget
  • Identifies and sets a timeline and goals for fundraising
  • Time commitment: 10-12 hours per month

Committee Chair-Elect Positions:

Committee for Membership Outreach and Engagement
Together with the Vice President for Membership Outreach and Engagement and the committee chair, 

  • Develops and executes membership growth and retention strategies
  • Develops member engagement initiatives
  • Time commitment: 2-5 hours per week

Committee for Professional Development
Together with the Vice President of Professional Development and the committee chair,

  • Identifies potential professional development programs and services based on topics and trends
  • Organizes TAICEP’s webinar offerings
  • Works with the Conference Committee to review annual conference workshop and session proposals
  • Time commitment: 2-5 hours a week with more time required at during conference and webinar planning periods

Committee for Resources and Knowledge Management Chair-elect
Together with the Vice President of Resources and Knowledge Management and the committee chair,

  • Provide and manage useful, up-to-date resources to assist credential evaluation professionals in their daily work, and to promote knowledge in the field. Committee-wide tasks include: TAICEP Talk Newsletter, Country and Regional Database, Glossary of Terms, Job Board, and Verification Database
  • Time commitment: 2-5 hours per week on average

Committee for Standards and Quality Chair-elect
Together with the Vice President of Standards and Quality and the committee chair,

  • Identifies trends to advance knowledge of credentials evaluation
  • Develops credential evaluation standards, frameworks and processes
  • Time commitment: 2-5 hours per week

Conference Committee Chair-Elect
Together with the committee chair and executive director:

  • Provides leadership for the annual conference
  • Reviews workshop and session proposals
  • Establishes conference schedule
  • Prepares conference venue prior to beginning of annual conference
  • Supervises conference planning team
  • Special note on this position: must attend the annual conference as the chair-elect and then as the chair the following year
  • Time commitment: 3-5 hours per week; 10+ hours per week in the 6–8-week period before the beginning of the conference

NOMINATIONS ARE OPEN!  Click HERE for the nominations form!  



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